Sermons in MP3
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Luke |
Date | Sermon | Play |
1/22/2025 | 6. How Do You Raise the Son of God? (Luke 2:46-52) |
12/29/2024 | 5. Affirmation (Luke 2:21-40) |
12/24/2024 | 4. Glory - Christmas Eve (Luke 2:1-20) |
12/22/2024 | 3. Birth (Luke 2:1-7) |
12/15/2024 | 2. Our Coming Salvation (Luke 1:46-55) |
12/8/2024 | 1. Foretelling (Luke 1:26-38) |
12/1/2024 | To Wait or not to Wait (Ecclesiastes 11:4-5) |
11/24/2024 | The Joy of Thanksgiving (Isaiah 12:1-6) |
God's Last Message (until Jesus) |
Date | Sermon | Play |
11/10/2024 | 8. God's Day (Malachi 4:1-6) |
11/10/2024 | 7. God's Reward(Malachi 3:12-18) |
11/3/2024 | 6. God's Treasure (Malachi 3:7-12) |
10/27/2024 | 5. God's Justice (Malachi 2:17-3:6) |
10/20/2024 | Why Does the Church Exist? [Speaker: Jonathon Mitchell] (Matthew 16:15-18) |
10/13/2024 | 4. God's Witness (Malachi 2:13-16) |
10/6/2024 | The Christian Citizen (Acts 16:35-39) |
9/29/2024 | 3. God's Leaders (Malachi 2:4-9) |
9/22/2024 | 2. God's Name (Malachi 1:11-14) |
9/15/2024 | Cowboys and Christians [speaker: Stan Farr] (Psalm 147:10-11) |
9/8/2024 | 1. God's Love (Malachi 1:1-5) |
Tortured Texts |
Date | Sermon | Play |
9/1/2024 | 8. All You Need Is Love (John 3:16-21) |
8/25/2024 | 7. The Money Trap (1 Timothy 6:6-10) |
8/18/2024 | 6. No More Than You Can Handle (1 Corinthians 10:9-13) |
8/11/2024 | 5. I Can Do Anything (Philippians 4:10-13) |
8/4/2024 | 4. Plans to Prosper (Jeremiah 29:10-14) |
7/28/2024 | 3. All Things Good (Romans 8:26-28) |
7/21/2024 | 2. Gimme, Gimme (Matthew 7:7-11) |
7/14/2024 | 1. No Judging (Matthew 7:1-5) |
Be the Church |
Date | Sermon | Play |
7/7/2024 | 5. I Will Lead My Family to Love and Serve in the Church |
6/30/2024 | 4. I Will Pray for My Church Leaders |
6/23/2024 | 3. I Will not Let the Church Be About Me |
6/16/2024 | 2. I Will Be a Unifying Church Member |
6/9/2024 | 1. I Will Be a Functioning Church Member |
Christ Centered |
Date | Sermon | Play |
6/2/2024 | 9. Fellowship in Christ (Colossians 4:2-6) |
5/26/2024 | 8. Families for Christ (Colossians 3:18-4:1) |
5/19/2024 | 7. Clothed in Christ (Colossians 3:12-17) |
5/12/2024 | 6. The Mind of Christ (Colossians 3:1-4) |
5/5/2024 | 5. Freedom in Christ (Colossians 2:16-19) |
4/28/2024 | 4. Alive in Christ (Colossians 2:6-15) |
4/21/2024 | 3. Proclaim Christ (Colossians 1:24-2:5) |
4/14/2024 | 2. The Supremacy of Christ (Colossians 1:15-23) |
4/7/2024 | 1. Walk Worthy of Christ (Colossians 1:1-14) |
Psalms and Hymns: How Sweet the Sound |
Date | Sermon | Play |
3/31/2024 | 13. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (Psalm 16:5-11) |
3/24/2024 | 12. O Sacred Head Now Wounded (Psalm 22) |
3/17/2024 | 11. Be Thou My Vision (Psalm 19:7-14) |
3/10/2024 | 10. How Great Thou Art (Psalm 19:1-6) |
3/3/2024 | 9. The Love of God (Psalm 36:5-12) |
2/25/2024 | 8. There Is a Fountain (Psalm 103) |
2/18/2024 | 7. Onward Christian Soldiers (Psalm 91:1-6) |
2/11/2024 | 6. Amazing Grace (Psalm 86:1-7) |
2/4/2024 | 5. Rock of Ages (Psalm 31:1-5) |
1/28/2024 | 4. Take My Life and Let It Be (Psalm 51) |
1/21/2024 | 3. Jesus Loves Me [Sanctity of Life] (Psalm 139) |
1/14/2024 | 2. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name (Psalm 29:7-11) |
1/7/2024 | 1. Joy to the World (Psalm 98:4-9) |
Influencers |
Date | Sermon | Play |
12/31/2023 | 6. Barnabas: Son of Encouragement (Acts 15:36-41) |
12/24/2023 Christmas Eve | My Favorite Christmas Bible Verse (John 3:16) |
12/24/2023 | Christmas Lights (John 1:1-5, 14) |
12/17/2023 | 5. John the Baptist: In Your Face (Matthew 3:1-6) |
12/10/2023 | 4. Esther: Gentle Beauty (Esther 4:12-17) |
12/3/2023 | 3. Nehemiah: Take Courage (Nehemiah 1-4) |
11/26/2023 | Jeff Mulpas of Alpha Christian Children's Home |
11/19/2023 | 2. Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego: Faith Under Fire (Daniel 3) |
11/12/2023 | 1. Elijah: Truth to Power (1 Kings 18) |
Hurdles in the Faith Race |
Date | Sermon | Play |
11/5/2023 | 8. The Search for Significance (1 Corinthians 12:21-26) |
10/29/2023 | 7. Focusing on Fear (Matthew 6:31-34) |
10/22/2023 | 6. The Lure of Laziness (Hebrews 5:11-14) |
10/15/2023 | 5. The Enticement of Ego (Galatians 5:16-26) |
10/8/2023 | 4. The Call of Culture (1 John 2:15-17) |
10/1/2023 | 3. Dealing with Doubt (James 1:5-8) |
9/24/2023 | 2. The Problem of Pain (Job 2:7-10) |
9/17/2023 | 1. Running the Race (1 Corinthians 9:24-27) |
Jude |
Date | Sermon | Play |
9/10/2023 | 2. Be Victorious (Jude 1:17-25) |
9/3/2023 | 1. Be Vigilant (Jude 1:1-16) |
Jesus: Son of God, Suffering Servant |
Date | Sermon | Play |
8/27/2023 | 25. The Power of One Life (Mark 16:1-8) |
8/20/2023 | 24. The Power of One Death (Mark 15:33-39) |
8/13/2023 | Distant from God (Brian Barrett) |
8/6/2023 | 23. Betrayed by a Kiss (Mark 14:43-50) |
7/30/2023 | 22. The Last Supper (Mark 14:22-25) |
7/23/2023 | 21. End Times Proclamations (Mark 13:14-23) |
7/16/2023 | 20. It's a Trap! (Mark 12:28-34) |
7/9/2023 | 19. The Rejected Son (Mark 12:1-12) |
7/2/2023 | Forgiveness (Stan Farr) |
6/25/2023 | 18. The Final Week Begins (Mark 11) |
6/18/2023 | 17. True Riches (Mark 10:17-22) |
6/11/2023 | 16. God's Plan for Families (Mark 10:1-9) |
5/28/2023 | 14. Glory Revealed (Mark 9:2-8) |
5/21/2023 | 13. A Most Important Question (Mark 8:27-38) |
5/14/2023 | 12. Prove It (Mark 8:11-17) |
5/7/2023 | 11. Things that Matter to God (Mark 7:1-23) |
4/30/2023 | 10. God of Compassion (Mark 6:30-38) |
4/23/2023 | 9. Man of Sorrows (Mark 6:1-6) |
4/16/2023 | 8. Power Over Disease (Mark 5:35-43) |
4/9/2023 | Seek Life (Luke 24:1-12) |
4/2/2023 | A Tale of Two Crowns (Luke 23:1-5) |
3/26/2023 | 7. Power over Demons (Mark 5:1-20) |
3/19/2023 | 6. Stories and Storms (Mark 4:21-41) |
3/12/2023 | 5. Gospel Seeds (Mark 4:1-20) |
3/5/2023 | 4. What Do We Do with Jesus? (Mark 3) |
2/26/2023 | 3. The Authority of Jesus (Mark 2) |
2/19/2023 | 2. The Beginning of the Kingdom (Mark 1:14-45) |
2/12/2023 | 1. Preparation for the King (Mark 1:1-13) |
Ruth: God in Everyday Life |
Date | Sermon | Play |
1/29/2023 | The Cost of Redemption (Ruth 4) |
1/22/2023 | The Battle for Life Is not Over (Sanctity of Life Sunday) |
1/15/2023 | 3. Our Kinsman Redeemer (Ruth 3) |
1/8/2023 | 2. Under God's Wings (Ruth 2) |
1/1/2023 | 1. Overcoming Bitterness (Ruth 1) |
Christmas in Luke |
Date | Sermon | Play |
12/25/2022 | 5. The Last Shall Be First (Luke 2:8-20) |
12/24/2022 | 4. While They Were There - Christmas Eve (Luke 2:1-7) |
12/18/2022 | 3. Of Prophets and Songs (Luke 1:46-55) |
12/11/2022 | 2. An Angel Visits Mary (Luke 1:26-38) |
12/4/2022 | 1. God Prepares the Way (Luke 1:11-17) |
While We Wait... |
Date | Sermon | Play |
11/27/2022 | 8. Get Rich (Matthew 19:16-22) |
11/20/2022 | The Opposition to Thanksgiving (1 Timothy 4:1-5) |
11/13/2022 | Karl Halverson from LATM (Romans 1:1-17) |
11/6/2022 | 7. Get a Godly Home (Ephesians 5:22-27) |
10/30/2022 | 6. Get the Word Out (Colossians 4:3-6) |
10/23/2022 | 5. Get Praying (Luke 11:1-4) |
10/16/2022 | 4. Get Your Mind Right (Colossians 3:1-4) |
10/9/2022 | 3. Get to Church (Hebrews 10:19-25) |
10/2/2022 | 2. Get into the Word (2 Peter 1:16-21) |
9/25/2022 | Guest speaker Brian Barrett |
9/18/2022 | 1. Get Ready (2 Peter 3:8-13) |
The Revelation of Jesus Christ |
Date | Sermon | Play |
9/11/2022 | 17. Eternity(Revelation 21:9-22:21) |
9/4/2022 | 16. New Creation (Revelation 20:10-21:9) |
8/28/2022 | 15. Millennium (Revelation 20:1-9) |
8/21/2022 | 14. Return (Revelation 19) |
8/14/2022 | 13. Babylon (Revelation 17-18) |
8/7/2022 | 12. Wrath (Revelation 15-16) |
7/31/2022 | Use Your Spiritual Gifts (Dr. Stan Farr) |
7/24/2022 | 11. Harvest (Revelation 14) |
7/17/2022 | 10. Antichrist (Revelation 13) |
7/10/2022 | 9. War (Revelation 12) |
7/3/2022 | 8. Voices (Revelation 10-11) |
6/26/2022 | 7. Trumpets (Revelation 8-9) |
6/19/2022 | 6. Worship (Revelation 7) |
6/12/2022 | 5. Seals (Revelation 6) |
6/5/2022 | 4. Holiness (Revelation 4-5) |
5/29/2022 | 3. Church, Part 2 (Revelation 3) |
5/22/2022 | 2. Church, Part 1 (Revelation 2) |
5/15/2022 | 1. Prophecy (Revelation 1) |
Moses: God's Humble Servant |
Date | Sermon | Play |
5/8/2022 | 16. The Next Generation (Deuteronomy 34) |
5/1/2022 | 15. No Turning Back (Numbers 12-14) |
4/17/2022 | 14. Lifted Up (John 3:14-18; Numbers 21:4-9) |
4/10/2022 | 13. God's Glory (Exodus 33-34) |
4/3/2022 | 12. Golden Calves (Exodus 32) |
3/27/2022 | 11. God's Top Ten (Exodus 19-20) |
3/20/2022 | 10. You Are not Alone (Exodus 17-18) |
3/13/2022 | 9. Daily Bread (Exodus 15-17) |
3/6/2022 | 8. God Will Make a Way (Exodus 14-15) |
2/27/2022 | 7. Blood on the Doorposts (Exodus 11-13) |
2/20/2022 | 6. Hard Hearts and Second Chances (Exodus 7-10) |
2/13/2022 | 5. Confronting Evil (Exodus 5-6) |
2/6/2022 | 4. Equipped for Service (Exodus 4) |
1/30/2022 | 3. Called into Service (Exodus 3) |
1/23/2022 | 2. Prepared for Service (Exodus 2:11-15) |
1/16/2022 | 1. Beautiful in God's Sight (Exodus 1:22-2:8) |
Habakkuk |
Date | Sermon | Play |
1/9/2022 | 2. Praise God in the Face of Evil (Habakkuk 3:17-19) |
1/2/2022 | 1. Trust God in the Face of Evil (Habakkuk 2:2-4) |
God with Us |
Date | Sermon | Play |
12/26/2021 | Wise Men Worship (Matthew 2:1-12) |
12/19/2021 | The Birth of Hope (Matthew 1:18-25) |
12/12/2021 | The Crooked Christmas Tree (Matthew 1:1-6) |
Written in Red |
Date | Sermon | Play |
12/5/2021 | From the Cross (John 19:28-30) |
11/28/2021 | The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) |
11/21/2021 | God Requires Thanksgiving (Luke 17:11-19) |
11/14/2021 | The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) |
11/7/2021 | Burden Bearer (Matthew 11:28-30) |
10/31/2021 | Sheep and Goats (Matthew 25:31-36) |
10/24/2021 | The Sifting Process (Luke 22:31-34) |
10/17/2021 | The Narrow Road (Matthew 7:13-14) |
10/10/2021 | Judging (Matthew 7:1-5) |
10/3/2021 | Have You not Read? (Matthew 19:3-9) |
9/19/2021 | Give to Caesar (Matthew 22:15-22) |
9/12/2021 | I Am the True Vine (John 15:1-5) |
9/5/2021 | I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11) |
8/22/2021 | I Am the Light of the World (John 8:12-16) |
8/15/2021 | I Am the Bread of Life (John 6) |
8/8/2021 | My Father's House (John 14:1-6) |
7/25/2021 | The Solid Rock (Luke 6:46-49) |
7/18/2021 | Love Your Enemies (Matthew 5:38-45) |
7/11/2021 | Guest speaker Jeff Mulpas (Daniel 5) |
7/4/2021 | Free Indeed (John 8:31-38) |
Meeting Jesus |
Date | Sermon | Play |
6/27/2021 | Jesus Meets Mary Magdalene (John 20:11-18) |
6/20/2021 | Jesus Meets Jairus (Mark 5:35-43) |
6/13/2021 | Jesus Meets Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) |
6/6/2021 | Jesus Meets the Woman at the Well (John 4:21-26) |
5/30/2021 | Jesus Meets the Rich Young Man (Mark 10:17-22) |
5/23/2021 | Jesus Meets Nicodemus (John 3:1-21) |
5/16/2021 | Jesus Meets the Blind Man (John 9) |
5/9/2021 | Jesus Meets the Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-28) |
Mercy for a Messy Church (2 Corinthians) |
Date | Sermon | Play |
5/2/2021 | 14. Danger! (2 Corinthians 13:5-10) |
4/25/2021 | 13. Love and Truth (2 Corinthians 12:19-21) |
4/11/2021 | 12. Sufficient Grace (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) |
4/4/2021 | Peace (Easter Sunday) (John 20:24-30) |
3/28/2021 | What if You Had One Week to Live (Palm Sunday) (John 13:1-5) |
3/21/2021 | 11. The Gospel Is Worth Fighting For (2 Cor. 10:3-6) |
3/14/2021 | 10. Grace for the Cheerful Giver (2 Corinthians 9:6-12) |
3/7/2021 | 9. Sorrow to Joy (2 Corinthians 7:8-12) |
2/28/2021 | 8. Holiness (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) |
2/21/2021 | 7. God Is Doing a New Thing (2 Corinthians 5:16-21) |
2/14/2021 | 6. Heaven (2 Corinthians 5:1-10) |
2/7/2021 | 5. Awesome Power in a Weak Package (2 Corinthians 4) |
1/31/2021 | 4. Mirrors of Ministry (2 Corinthians 3) |
1/24/2021 | 3. Follow God to Victory (2 Corinthians 2:5-17) |
1/17/2021 | Sanctity of Human Life Sunday: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Psalm 139:13-16) |
1/10/2021 | 2. The Faithfulness of Christ (2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4) |
1/3/2021 | 1. God Turns Chaos into Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:1-11) |
Date | Sermon | Play |
12/27/2020 | Home Is Where the Heart Is (John 14:1-6) |
12/20/2020 | Peace in the Midst of Chaos (Luke 2:8-20) |
12/13/2020 | Guest speaker Wayne Flack. |
Search Me, O God |
Date | Sermon | Play |
12/6/2020 | 8. God... I'm Lonely (2 Timothy 4:9-17) |
11/29/2020 | 7. God... I'm Afraid (Psalm 27:1-5) |
11/22/2020 | 6. God... I'm Unhappy (Psalm 90:9-17) |
11/15/2020 | Guest speaker Stan Farr. |
11/8/2020 | 5. God... I'm Angry (Jeremiah 12:1-4) |
11/1/2020 | 4. God... I'm Confused (Jeremiah 29) |
10/25/2020 | 3. God... I'm Depressed (Psalm 42) |
10/18/2020 | Matt Myer from KUCC, guest speaker (1 Corinthians 13) |
10/11/2020 | 2. God... I'm Weary (Hebrews 12:3-6)) |
10/4/2020 | 1. Search Me (Psalm 139) |
A Better Church Together |
Date | Sermon | Play |
9/27/2020 | 17. A Steadfast Church (Ephesians 6:10-18) |
9/20/2020 | 16. An Obedient Church (Ephesians 6:1-9) |
9/13/2020 | 15. A Sacrificial Church (Ephesians 5:22-33) |
9/6/2020 | 14. A Spirit Filled Church (Ephesians 5:15-21) |
8/30/2020 | 13. We Are Light (Ephesians 5:1-14) |
8/23/2020 | 12. We Are Transformed Pt 2 (Ephesians 4:22-32) |
8/16/2020 | 11. We Are Transformed Pt 1 (Ephesians 4:17-24) |
8/9/2020 | 10. We Are Diverse (Ephesians 4:7-16) |
8/2/2020 | 9. We Are One (Ephesians 4:1-6) |
7/26/2020 | 8. We Are Strong (Ephesians 3:14-21) |
7/19/2020 | 7. We Are Witnesses (Ephesians 3:11-13) |
7/12/2020 | 6. Built Together (Ephesians 2:11-22) |
7/5/2020 | 5. Alive Together (Ephesians 2:1-10) |
6/28/2020 | 4. Learning Together (Ephesians 1:15-23) |
6/21/2020 | 3. Adopted Together (Ephesians 1:1-14) |
6/14/2020 | 2. Changing the World Together (Acts 17-20) |
6/7/2020 | 1. Better Together (Acts 2) |
Date | Sermon | Play |
5/31/2020 | How Do We Move Forward (Ruth) |
Strength for the Battle |
Date | Sermon | Play |
5/24/2020 | 4. Victory! (Revelation 12:7-12) |
5/17/2020 | 3. Ready for Battle (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) |
5/10/2020 | 2. The Lord Fights for Me (Psalm 18) |
5/3/2020 | 1. The Invisible Enemy (1 Peter 5:6-11) |
The Road to the Cross |
Date | Sermon | Play |
4/26/2020 | 4. The Cross before Me (Luke 9:51-56) |
4/19/2020 | 3. The Road to Life (Matthew 7:13-14) |
4/12/2020 | 2. Did not Our Hearts Burn? (Luke 24:28-35) |
4/5/2020 | 1. The Road to Death (John 12:20-26) |
Date | Sermon | Play |
3/29/2020 | You Can Do This...with the Lord (Judges 6-8) |
3/22/2020 | God Is Bigger |
Questions Jesus Asked |
Date | Sermon | Play |
3/15/2020 | 9. Why Do You Call Me Lord? (Luke 6:46-49) |
3/8/2020 | 8. What Does It Profit a Man? (Luke 9:23-26) |
3/1/2020 | 7. What Does the Scripture Say? (Luke 10:25-29) |
2/16/2020 | 6. Do You Love Me? (John 21:15-19) |
2/9/2020 | 5. Are You Also Going to Leave? (John 6) |
2/2/2020 | 4. Why Did You Doubt? (Matthew 14:25-32) |
1/26/2020 | 3. Why Are You So Afraid? (Matthew 8:23-27) |
1/19/2020 | It Was Very Good (Genesis 1:26-31; Sanctity of Human Life Sunday) |
1/12/2020 | 2. Do You Believe? (John 11) |
1/5/2020 | 1. Who Do You Say That I Am? (Matthew 16:13-20) |
New Year's Message |
Date | Sermon | Play |
12/29/2019 | 20/20 Vision (Luke 12:13-21) |
Christmas Message |
Date | Sermon | Play |
12/22/2019 | Inconceivable (Matthew 1:18-25) |
Jeff Mulpas, Alpha Christian Children's Home |
Date | Sermon | Play |
12/15/2019 | Christmas is for Children (Mark 10:13-16) |
Freedom: A Study in Galatians |
Date | Sermon | Play |
12/8/2019 | 14. The Main Thing (Galatians 6:11-18) |
12/1/2019 | 13. The True Law (Galatians 6:1-10) |
11/24/2019 | 12. Walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26) |
11/17/2019 | 11. Free to Serve, not Sin (Galatians 5:7-15) |
11/10/2019 | 10. Live Free (Galatians 5:1-6) |
11/3/2019 | 9. Two Covenants (Galatians 4:21-31) |
10/27/2019 | 8. No Turning Back (Galatians 4:8-20) |
10/20/2019 | 7. Children of God (Galatians 4:1-7) |
10/13/2019 | 6. Why Law? (Galatians 3:10-29) |
10/6/2019 | 5. Justified by Faith (Galatians 3:1-9) |
9/29/2019 | 4. Crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:11-21) |
9/22/2019 | 3. Stand Firm (Galatians 2:1-10) |
9/8/2019 | 2. Called(Galatians 1:11-24) |
9/1/2019 | 1. One Gospel (Galatians 1:1-10) |
The Eden Effect |
Date | Sermon | Play |
8/25/2019 | 5. Completion (Revelation 22:1-5) |
8/18/2019 | 4. Cure (Isaiah 53:3-6) |
8/4/2019 | 2. Corruption (Genesis 3:1-7) |
7/28/2019 | 1. Creation (Genesis 1:26-31) |
Conversations with Jesus |
Date | Sermon | Play |
7/21/2019 | 12. You Come Down (Luke 19:1-10) |
7/14/2019 | 11. Feed My Sheep (John 21:15-17) |
7/7/2019 | 10. No Greater Power (Luke 8:27-30) |
6/30/2019 | 9. What Is Truth? (John 18:28-40) |
6/23/2019 | 8. Do You Believe? (John 11:21-27) |
6/16/2019 | 7. True Children of the Father (John 8:31-59) |
6/9/2019 | 6. Liar, Lunatic or Lord (Matthew 16:13-20) |
6/2/2019 | 5. What Must I Do? (Matthew 19:16-30) |
5/26/2019 | 4. True Worship (John 4:1-42) |
5/19/2019 | 3. Kingdom Encounter (John 3:1-21) |
5/12/2019 | 2. Mary and the Twelve Year Old (Luke 2:41-52) |
5/5/2019 | 1. Jesus Really Wants to Talk (Acts 9:1-6) |
Resurrection Sunday |
Date | Sermon | Play |
4/21/2019 | A Living Hope (1 Peter 1:3-9) |
James: Practical Living for Christians |
Date | Sermon | Play |
4/14/2019 | The Power of Prayer (James 5:13-20) |
4/7/2019 | Until Christ Returns (James 5:7-12) |
3/31/2019 | Where Is Your Treasure? (James 5:1-6) |
3/24/2019 | Epic Fail (James 4:11-17) |
3/17/2019 | War of the World (James 4:1-10) |
3/10/2019 | Two Kinds of Wisdom (James 3:13-18) |
3/3/2019 | TNT (Tongue Not Tamed)(James 3:1-12) |
2/24/2019 | The Evidence of Faith (James 2:14-26) |
2/17/2019 | Favoritism Forbidden (James 2:1-13) |
2/10/2019 | True Religion (James 1:19-27) |
2/3/2019 | The Devil's Fake News (James 1:13-18) |
1/27/2019 | Missional Realities for the Church (Acts 8:1-8) |
1/20/2019 | Known by God (Jeremiah 1:4-8) |
1/13/2019 | This Is a Test (James 1:1-12) |
The final message from the 2018 series Now Playing: Esther |
Date | Sermon | Play |
1/6/2019 | Riding into the Sunset (Esther 9-10) |
Christmas: The Word Became Flesh |
Date | Sermon | Play |
12/30/2018 | The Eternal Word (Revelation 19:11-16) |
12/23/2018 | The Living Word (John 1:1-5, 14) |
12/16/2018 | The Impossible Word (Luke 1:34-38) |
12/9/2018 | The Prophetic Word (Matthew 1:18-25) |
Now Playing: Esther |
Date | Sermon | Play |
1/6/2019 | Riding into the Sunset (Esther 9-10) |
12/2/2018 | Tying Up Loose Ends (Esther 8) |
11/18/2018 | An Enemy in the Palace (Esther 7) |
11/11/2018 | Plot Twist (Esther 6) |
11/4/2018 | Competing Schemes (Esther 5) |
10/28/2018 | Unlikely Heroes (Esther 4) |
10/21/2018 | Meet the Villain (Esther 3) |
10/14/2018 | Makeup! (Esther 2) |
10/7/2018 | This Movie Has Everything! (Esther 1) |
Guest speaker Bart Hinz from ShowMe Christian Youth Home |
Date | Sermon | Play |
9/30/2018 | Idols (James 4:7-10) |
Date | Sermon | Play |
9/23/2018 | Fear...He Is a Liar (Psalm 27:1-5) |
National Back to Church Sunday |
Date | Sermon | Play |
9/16/2018 | You Belong Here (Acts 2:42-47) |
The Lord's Supper |
Date | Sermon | Play |
9/9/2018 | The Lord's Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-29) |
Sermon Series:This Is Us |
Date | Sermon | Play |
9/2/2018 | Loved (1 Timothy 1:15-17) |
8/26/2018 | Waiting (2 Peter 3:8-13) |
8/19/2018 | Servants (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) |
8/12/2018 | Obvious Restoration DNA for Today's Church (Exodus 3:6-12) |
8/5/2018 | Community (John 1:14-17) |
7/29/2018 | The Bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:25-30) |
7/22/2018 | Free (Galatians 3:19-29) |
7/15/2018 | Transformed (Romans 12:1-2) |
7/8/2018 | Tempted (1 Corinthians 10:12-14) |
7/1/2018 | Doubting, Part 2 (Mark 9:21-24) |
6/24/2018 | Doubting, Part 1 (Acts 4:8-12) |
6/17/2018 | Sharpening Arrows (Psalm 127:1-5) |
6/10/2018 | Distracted (Luke 10:38-42) |
6/3/2018 | Alone (Psalm 13:1-6) |
5/27/2018 | Grieving (2 Samuel 12:16-23) |
5/20/2018 | Why Me? Part 2 (2 Corinthians 4:7-12) |
5/13/2018 | Desperate Faith (Exodus 2:1-10) |
5/6/2018 | Why Me? Pt. 1 (Ecclesiastes 1:1-11) |
Sermon Series:The Sermon on the Mount |
Date | Sermon | Play |
4/29/2018 | This Old House (Matthew 7:24-29) |
4/22/2018 | Fruit Inspectors (Matthew 7:15-23) |
4/15/2018 | Highway to Heaven (Matthew 7:12-14) |
4/8/2018 | Ask, Seek, Knock (Matthew 7:7-11) |
3/25/2018 | To Judge or not to Judge (Matthew 7:1-6) |
3/18/2018 | High Anxiety Does not Come from on High (Matthew 6:25-34) |
3/11/2018 | Who's the Boss? (Matthew 6:19-24) |
3/4/2018 | Can We Talk? (Matthew 6:5-18) |
2/25/2018 | When, not If (Matthew 6:1-4) |
2/18/2018 | Turn Toward True Love (Matthew 5:38-48) |
2/11/2018 | Above and Beyond (Matthew 5:27-37) |
2/4/2018 | A Higher Standard (Matthew 5:17-26) |
1/28/2018 | Matt Myer speaking. (2 Corinthians 5:16-21) |
1/21/2018 | In His Image (Acts 17:24-31) |
1/14/2018 | Salt and Light (Matthew 5:13-16) |
1/7/2018 | The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) |